Wedding Music

The melodies below are common in Jewish weddings, especially American weddings with Hassidic or Havurah influences though all melodies are in wide use.

Explanations in order that tracks appear in the list:

  1. The “Bobov Wedding March” is a powerful melody used in c0njuction with the Seven Blessings/Sheva Brachot section of Jewish weddings. Those blessings are also sometimes called birkot nissuin or simply wedding blessings. You might be surprised by its plaintive tone since weddings are typically happy occassions. Perhaps it underscores the heft.
  2. “Sameach Tisamach” is a melody for the sixth of the Seven Blessings. That blessing concerns joy and so the melody is upbeat. It was composed by Rabbi Moshe Shur. NB: though this is the sixth blessing under the huppah, it is the fifth of the seven blessings during benching (grace after meals).
  3. Asher Bara A is a melody used in the 7th blessing and/or at wedding feasts.
  4. Asher Bara B is a melody used in the 7th blessing and/or at wedding feasts.
  5. Asher Bara C is a melody used in the 7th blessing and/or at wedding feasts.
  6. Od Yishama A is a melody often sung during the wedding feast (especially during dancing). This melodies (in standard or abridged format) are also sometimes used in the the 7th blessing.
  7. Od Yishama B is used similarly to Od Yishama A but has a different melody.
  8. Od Yishama C is used similarly to Od Yishama A but has a different melody.
  9. Keitzad Merakdim’s lyrics come from the Babylonian Talmud, Ketubot 16b, 31. The song is often used at wedding feasts during dancing.